Habeys Boduberu brings you our 7th album Ka’nbulo. This album contains Boduberu songs composed by Habeys Studio. Truly Maldivian melodies combined with the modern style of old traditional music. The name Kan’bulo defines in dhivehi as ordinary beautiful women in the ancient times of Maldives. Our ancestors used to call their daughters as Kan’bulo to show their love to them. We dedicate this album to all our beloved fans around the world.
Habeys Boduberu brings you our 7th album Ka’nbulo. This album contains Boduberu songs composed by Habeys Studio. Truly Maldivian melodies combined with the modern style of old traditional music. The name Kan’bulo defines in dhivehi as ordinary beautiful women in the ancient times of Maldives. Our ancestors used to call their daughters as Kan’bulo to show their love to them. We dedicate this album to all our beloved fans around the world.
Its a hard work done by our artists and we would like to mention Ali Shifau, Ali Mamdhooh, Ismail Rasheed, Mohamed Shifaz, Hassan Tholaq, Ali Musa, Ibrahim Moosa Fikree, Ali Hamdhoon, Ahmed Fazeen, Abdulla Munawwar, Ahmed Ihad, Ismail Shuhaadh, Ahmed Sayyah, Farish Afrah, Mohamed Emau, Imjadh Mohamed, Ali Shifan, Mohamed Ayaz, Hussain Ameen, Ibrahim Unaish, Mohamed Massoodh, Ali Rizmee, Mohamed Ahmed, Hassan Sharim, Ibrahim Waheed, Abdul Raziq Ali, Ahmed Nashaahu, Mohamed Aaidh, Abdulla Abeedh, Mohamed Sinad, Ahmed Shaheed, Abdulla Jasir, Mohamed Hamdh, Mohamed Muazzin & Mohamed Reehan.
All rights reserved © 2017 Habeys Boduberu
Shaabbakan haamavaa thiyafadha nala sooraeh
Vaa hithun gurubaan ves thiya loaibah vaanamey
Dhey hithun dheefiyyaa ranakah mahadhaanamey
Ran rissaa javaahirun gunavanthah furaanamey
Kanbuloa kanbuloa mikama nuruhi kiyeh vegentha
Dhon kanbulo mikamaa fikuru nukuri kiehvegentha
Moyama vantha maru ma vantha
Jaanaa maalun gurubaan ves vaanamey
Hithakah mashah libuniyyaa sadhagai bahaanamey
Dhey hithun ruhumaa eku aan bas bunefiyyaathaa
Haiy hiya buri mathi mathin gedhoru ves dheynamey
Kanbuloa kanbuloa mikama nuruhi kiyeh vegentha
Dhon kanbulo mikamaa fikuru nukuri kiehvegentha
Moyama vantha maru ma vantha
“Boadhaa bas” from Kanbulo by Hassan Tholaq. Released: 2017. Track 6. Genre: Boduberu.